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数据来源: 该页面支持的版本: 该页面支持的语言: 订阅地址: 社交媒体: 最后更新于: 2024-07-19T14:35:02.969+08:00   查看统计
Elegant Cat (
Canceled (
Frozen lake in Canada, where you can see everything in it (
What an assist! (
Not a creature was stirring, all through the house - except for this mouse living in our Christmas tree, apparently (
Dog, nearly completely covered in mange, makes an amazing recovery (
Stranger finds lost bag and returns it to the owner ( image
Special Counsel asks Supreme Court to immediately decide Trump immunity question (
Using red dye to demonstrate that mercury can't be absorbed by a towel (
TIL people who work at U.S. nuclear power plants are exposed to less radiation than what is given off by the granite walls inside the U.S. Capitol Building (
Glitch in matrix ( image
Texas woman who sought court permission for abortion leaves state for the procedure, attorneys say ( image
My friends and I get our Christmas pics taken st JCPenney. This is still my favorite (
Unbelievable Ball Handling Skills (
White supremacist learns he's 14% black - woman next to him can't stop laughing (
Blacking out the screen everytime a mobile phone driver is not looking at the road (
Daughter’s face changed when she saw sees her parents in the crowd (
Elegant welding joints ( image
Player got kicked from a professional esports team because his mom was in the final stages of her cancer. (
me_irl (
Bro was scared of Joe Biden 💀 (
And that's how lollipops are made (
Making fun of someone at the gym then acting like the victims ( image
This notice on my friend’s apartment complex laundry room. (
This video is so good, please wait for it ( image
TIL The Pontiac Aztek was universally disliked by focus groups. One respondent even said, “I wouldn’t take it as a gift.”. GM continued to press forward with the Aztek’s design despite the negative reception. (
Different types of ship releases into the sea (
The best thing I saw today ♥️ ( image
My boyfriend and I are having our first Christmas since we moved in together. This is our Christmas tree. We’re young and poor. (
You can now interact physically with someone on the opposite side of the world ( image
Houdini standing at the edge of Harvard Bridge in Boston in 1908, about to leap into the water in front of 20 000 spectators and surface 40 seconds later with the shackles opened. (
"Oops... I forgot the shoulder straps." (
Killer t cells killing cancer cells. (
Dog and owner reunited after 8 years (
Maybe Maybe Maybe (
A horse I would never ride (
justice served (
Science Teacher Making Things Go Boom ( image
TIL of Dr. Benjamin Spock, a pediatrician whose 1946 book "Baby and Child Care" is one of the best-selling books of the twentieth century. His then unconventional advice to parents to show affection to their children and to see them as individuals revolutionized how parents raised their children. ( image
Went to pick up our brand new car; dealer damaged it in the five days between purchase and pickup. (
Next time you are late for work (
How to remove your ex from family photo (
Impressive skill (
Why? (
This is big brain time (
AITA for breaking my deathbed promise to my wife to take care of her Down's Syndrome daughter? (
Dad after getting custody of his Daughter 🥰 (
The pause is killing me 💀😭 (
Stuntman training (
Dad reacts to daughter’s SAT score. (
Aluminum vs Mercury (
Montreal snow removal process (
Dudes fighting an entirely different battle ( image
[Request] assuming you knew the solution, how many unique passwords would there be? (
Kids those days :) (
Biquette was a goat that was sold to an abattoir after she stopped producing milk but was rescued by musicians and spent the remainder of her life watching grindcore bands. She could come and go from the venue but chose to hangout and watch the bands ( image
TIL Tom Cruise ended his marriages with Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, and Katie Holmes when they each turned 33. Additionally, each ex-wife was 11 years younger than the previous one. (
There was an attempt (
Sleepy Wunkus (
wow. it's so beautiful (
please be considerate (
She is an adoptee from India and can't contain herself seeing her national food ( image
My mom crochets and donated 48 blankets to sick children this year. (
Unwrapping the burrito ( image
“Prove me wrong, but don’t use reliable sources that prove me wrong” ( image
Texas attorney general says he will sue doctor who gives abortion to Kate Cox (
Her coconut cutting skills (
Walk Underwater ( image
Dev behind massive Skyrim multiplayer mod turns their hands to Starfield, gives up because "this game is f***ing trash," uploads everything for someone else to finish (
Just gonna scooch in here ( image
TIL in 1972, astronaut Neil Armstrong visited the Scottish town of Langholm, where he was read a 400-year-old law declaring any “Armstrong” that enters the town must be hanged ( image
FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Billions to Deliver World-Class High-Speed Rail and Launch New Passenger Rail Corridors Across the Country (
One of these languages is not like the others (
This week a stray baby entered my house and went by 2 big dogs just to be adopted (
The perfect opportunity to use this GIF ( image
TIL Van Gogh's sister in law was behind Van Gogh’s posthumous success and fame, She dedicated her life to spreading his art and legacy after his death, She preserved and published his letters, organized and exhibited his paintings, wrote and translated articles and books about him ( image
Kevin McCarthy: “When you look at the Democrats, they actually look like America. When I look at my party...” (
Dog shakes off the snow. (
Fashioning ninja throwing stars from obsidian with the help of simple tools. (
Difference between husky and border collie (
Love kills (
pierce brosnan finds out his interviewer is from his hometown and gets emotional recounting old memories from his life there ( image
My 8 year old did this today in school and I'm absolutely flabbergasted... (
Self defence (
How candy canes are made (
You can smell the fear in this video (
When the dog owners have a good sense of humour.. (
Rogan tells Stavros that They are bringing in illegal immigrants and trying to change the laws to give them the right to vote. Stavros refutes Rogan's claim by reading past the article headline, also says his immigrant father has been in America for 40 years and still can't vote. (
Finally tagged the guy shredding my trash. (
Bringing an idea from your head to life (music production) ( image
Same “blackout” curtains bought two years apart. Old panel on the right, new panel on the left. (
Honesty is the best policy (
Talented rapper from France showing a demonstration of how he makes his loop music. ( image
One of the 1,000 Domestic Cats Released in my area of Chicago to Control the Rat Population (this cat literally has a job!) (
me_irl (
Where can you even get a Ring Pop? (
First Day at Construction Site (
The problem with a lot of dudes who want a trad-wife is that they refuse to be a traditional husband. ( image
Democrats Introduce Bill Banning Hedge Funds From Owning Single-Family Homes (
Blind Spot In A Truck (
We're so fucked (
Doggo checks in on baby and stands guard (
Chia Seeds Growing timelapse (
I emptied out my 8 yr old daughter’s jacket pockets. (
Dude attacks cameraman and quickly finds out. ( image
TIL an Oxford University physicist claimed that for the moon landing conspiracy to be true, around 411,000 people would’ve needed to keep it secret. He also suggests the hoax would’ve broken down in 3.68 years. (
Bill Burr shared his thoughts on the 2024 Election last night on Jimmy Kimmel. (
Bobby the child protector ( image
TIL a New Zealand woman was detained in Kazakhstan because they did not believe New Zealand was a real country. When they asked her to show the country on a map, their map did not include New Zealand. ( image
New Legislation Proposes to Take Wall Street Out of the Housing Market (
If Donald Trump is openly telling people he will become a dictator if elected why do the polls have him in a dead heat with Joe Biden? (
Margot the Rescue (
Very nice social experiment ( image
Former speaker Kevin McCarthy will retire from Congress at end of year (
Complications (
The new beam attraction in NYC🤯🤯🤯🤯 I am not curious enough (
I might actually fail a class. My English teachers grading scale is why (each thing he finds “wrong” is -1 point) (
I'd say this is worse than Salt Bae's steak (
He has 89.1k followers (
Now wha' I sayin' (
A parent of a slain uvalde student is manhandled when she attempts to retrieve her son to participate in a walkout. The cowardly cop backs down as soon as a male confronts him. (
My dog learned to harness electricity (
Someone give these guys a speeding ticket (
The process of making a stop-motion animation (
Perfect shot ( image
TIL an orangutan named Fu Manchu figured out how to escape his enclosure at a zoo by picking the lock on a door. He did it repeatedly for weeks as zoo staff was stumped about how and tried every measure to prevent it only to finally catch Fu Manchu in the act using a piece of wire he kept hidden. (
AITA for telling my husband that he has to let my dad witness his colonoscopy? (
This makes me mad. (
A man adjusts an airplane's landing gear from a moving car, 1985 (
Dude's rich beyond comparison (
And your 10 mm socket (
Respect to all the hardworking dudes and guys out there! (
This photographer is playing a potentially deadly fight or flight game with polar bear (
Animals, like cattle, might suffer from dangerous bloating due to gas in their stomachs. Veterinarians use a procedure called tubing' or tapping. They insert a tube or needle into the animal's stomach to release the gas and save it from serious harm. ( image
Biden Says He May Not Have Sought Reelection If Trump Weren’t Running ( image
The lower dungeon in Warwick Castle. It’s an ‘oubliette’ where prisoners were dropped and forgotten about (
My friend os a cleaner and the person who hired her wants her to replace this sink because she cleaned it too much (
Drinking Beer. Making Money. (
Anthony Bourdain calling out the bourgeoisie in Singapore. (
This is the guy who spent over $60k on Rubi Rose’s OF. Apparently she had enough and revealed the chats. He needs serious help (
20-year difference in graphics for GTA 🤯 (
5 years of breeding (
Steve Carrell on Pawn Stars (
The GTA VI trailer references some very real (and strange) Florida moments. (
A Rescued Thai street dog sees snow for the first time (
You can see he is dead inside but accepted defeat with honor (
Duet ( image
TIL that in every U.S. state, whoever presses the button on the slot machine wins the wager, which is why in 2017, a man who had his female friend push the slot machine button for good luck did not win anything but she won $100,000. (